On October 18, 2016, the Algonquins of Ontario and the Governments of Ontario and Canada reached a major milestone in their journey toward reconciliation and renewed relationships with the signing of the Agreement-in-Principle (AIP). The signing of the AIP is a key step toward a Final Agreement that will clarify the rights of all concerned and open up new economic development opportunities for the benefit of the Algonquins of Ontario and their neighbours in the Settlement Area in eastern Ontario.
The signed Agreement-in-Principle is substantively unchanged from the proposed Agreement-in-Principle, which was initialed by the Negotiators in May 2015 and put forward to Algonquin Voters in a Ratification Vote in February and March 2016. However, once signed and therefore executed, the document will simply be referred to as “the Agreement-in-Principle” and will no longer be described as “proposed”.
The AIP is not a legally binding document. Rather, it opens the way for continued negotiations toward a Final Agreement that will define the ongoing rights of the Algonquins of Ontario to lands and natural resources within the Settlement Area in Eastern Ontario. If a Final Agreement is achieved through the next phase of negotiations, and if it is ratified by Algonquins and by the federal Parliament and provincial Legislature, it will take the form of a modern-day treaty setting out Algonquin Aboriginal and treaty rights protected under Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
To learn more, please refer to the below documents.
The Executive Summary provides highlights of the key elements of the AIP. It includes summaries of each Chapter contained within the AIP.
The Agreement-in-Principle
The Algonquins of Ontario and the Governments of Ontario and Canada have signed the Agreement-in-Principle.
- Schedule 8.2.7 Algonquin Harvesting Map for Interim Winter Fishing Measures in Algonquin Provincial Park / Carte visant des mesures intérimaires à l’égard de la pêche hivernale dans le parc provincial Algonquin
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On October 18, 2016, the Algonquins of Ontario and the Governments of Ontario and Canada reached a major milestone in their journey toward reconciliation and renewed relationships with the signing of the Agreement-in-Principle (AIP). The signing of the AIP is a key step toward a Final Agreement that will clarify the rights of all concerned and open up new economic development opportunities for the benefit of the Algonquins of Ontario and their neighbours in the Settlement Area in eastern Ontario.
- Schedule 8.3.3 Algonquin Harvesting Map for Moose Hunting in Algonquin Provincial Park / Carte visant la chasse à l’original par les Algonquins dans le parc provincial Algonquin
An interactive web-based map has been developed to provide a single access point for users to easily explore and navigate through the AIP’s various Reference Maps and Descriptive Plans. Wherever additional information about the Settlement Area or specific parcels was readily available, it has also been integrated into this interactive map.
To access the map, click here.
- Appendix 1.1 Map of Settlement Area / Carte de la région visée par le règlement
- How to Use Reference Maps and Appendices of Descriptive Plans
Proposed Settlement Lands
- Reference Map A Proposed Settlement Lands / Proposition de terres visées par le règlement
- Reference Map B County of Frontenac / Comté de Frontenac
- Reference Map C County of Hastings / Comté de Hastings
- Reference Map D County of Lanark / Comté de Lanark
- Reference Map E County of Lennox & Addington / Comté de Lennox et Addington
- Reference Map F County of Renfrew / Comté de Renfrew
- Reference Map G District of Nipissing / District de Nipissing
- Reference Map H City of Ottawa / Ville d’Ottawa
- Appendix 5.1.1 Descriptive Plans of Settlement Lands
- Appendix 5.1.7 Descriptive Plans of County Forests
- Appendix 5.1.8 Descriptive Plan Camp Island
Algonquin Interests in Crown Lands
- Reference Map I County of Frontenac / Comté de Frontenac
- Reference Map J County of Hastings / Comté de Hastings
- Reference Map K County of Lanark / Comté de Lanark
- Reference Map L County of Renfrew / Comté de Renfrew
- Reference Map M District of Nipissing / District de Nipissing
- Descriptive Plans Easements across Crown Land Referred to in Section 5.3.1
- Appendix 5.3.2A Descriptive Plan Right of First Refusal for White Lake Facility and Lands
- Appendix 5.3.2C Descriptive Plan Right of First Refusal for Portion of Carson Lake Provincial Park
- Appendix 5.3.3 Descriptive Plans Areas of Algonquin Interest
- Appendix 9.1.30 Recommended Addition to Lake St Peter Provincial Park and Recommended Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) in the Area of the Crotch Lake Conservation Reserve
The Preliminary Draft Agreement-in-Principle
The Preliminary Draft Agreement-in-Principle was posted for public review on December 13, 2012. The negotiators for the Algonquins of Ontario, Canada and Ontario noted at the time that the Preliminary Draft was a work in progress that was under review and subject to revision based on public consultation and continuing negotiations.
To view the Preliminary Draft Agreement-in-Principle and its associated documents, click here.
The Proposed Agreement-in-Principle
On June 12, 2015, the Algonquins of Ontario and the Governments of Canada and Ontario announced that their Negotiators had initialed a proposed Agreement-in-Principle. The proposed AIP is the culmination of years of negotiations among the AOO and the Governments of Canada and Ontario. On December 2, 2015, the Algonquins of Ontario then announced a ratification vote on a proposed AIP. The ratification vote, conducted by an independent Ratification Committee, was held between February 29th and March 7th, 2016.
A separate referendum vote was held by the Chief and Council of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation and in that vote, a majority of the members who participated voted against the signing of the AIP, largely due to concerns about the self-government component of the negotiations. As a result, the Chief and Council undertook discussions not only with their members, but also with Ontario and Canada, and sought clarification on certain issues of concern to the First Nation’s membership. Based on those consultations and discussions, the Chief and Council decided to support the signing of the proposed AIP.
To view the proposed Agreement-in-Principle and its associated documents, click here.
To learn more about the Ratification Vote on the proposed Agreement-in-Principle, click here.