2017 Algonquin Negotiation Representative Elections
There are sixteen Algonquin Negotiation Representatives (ANRs) representing ten Algonquin Communities who are responsible for negotiating a Treaty between the Algonquins of Ontario and the Governments of Canada and Ontario.
Elections will be held to elect one Algonquin Negotiation Representative for each of the nine Algonquin Communities listed below. This election process is distinct from the general election for Chief and Council of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation held in late March 2017 in accordance with their Custom Election Code. As with the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, each of the ANRs for the nine Algonquin Communities will serve a three-year term.
Final Results for the 2017 ANR Elections are available.
Click here for the results.
Further details on the Final Results of the 2017 ANR Elections can be found at:
Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini (Bancroft)
Shabot Obaadjiwan (Sharbot Lake)
The 2017 election process, updated from 2014, is set out in a document entitled ANR Election Process 2017.
The filing of any protest against the conduct of the election and voting process for any specific Algonquin Community shall be subject to paragraph 8 of the Election Rules. The protest must be received by the Electoral Officer within 24 hours of the posting of the Election Results on www.tanakiwin.com/2017anrelections.
All such protests must be signed by the protester and ten other Electors for the Community, accompanied by a payment of $200.00 payable to the “Algonquin Treaty Negotiation Funding Trust” and to be held in trust by the Electoral Officer (to defray the expenses of the protest), to be returned in the event of a successful protest.
Strict adherence to the designated time limits will be maintained. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. For further details, refer to the ANR Election Process 2017.
Elections for Algonquin Negotiation Representatives for the Communities of Antoine, Bancroft, Bonnechere, Greater Golden Lake, Mattawa/North Bay, Ottawa, Shabot Obaadjiwan, Snimikobi, and Whitney and Area will take place in accordance with the following schedule:
- Posting of Electors List: Tuesday, April 4, 2017
- Notice of Election: Tuesday, April 4, 2017
- Opening of Nominations: Tuesday, April 4, 2017
- Close of Nominations: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 (Nomination Forms must be submitted to the Electoral Officer no later than 4:00 PM)
- End of Protests against Nominations: Friday, May 5, 2017 (Protest Forms must be submitted to the Electoral Officer no later than 4:00 PM)
- Disposition of protests against Nominations: Monday, May 15, 2017
- Mail Out of Ballots: Tuesday, May 23, 2017
- In-person Voting Period: Monday, June 26, 2017 (Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini (Bancroft)); Tuesday, June 27, 2017 (Whitney and Area); Tuesday, July 4, 2017 (Greater Golden Lake); Wednesday, July 5, 2017 (Shabot Obaadjiwan (Sharbot Lake))
- Declaration of Election Results: Friday, July 7, 2017
- Protest of Conduct of the Elections or the Voting Process must be within 24 hours after the posting of the Election results as set out in the Posting of Election Results Form
There are sixteen Algonquin Negotiation Representatives (ANRs) representing ten Algonquin Communities who are responsible for negotiating a Treaty between the Algonquins of Ontario and the Governments of Canada and Ontario.
The roles and responsibilities of the ANRs are set out in the Terms of Reference for Algonquin Negotiation Representatives dated September 26, 2005.
- To view a summary of the Roles and Responsibilities of the ANRs, click here
- To view the complete Terms of Reference, click here
To update your mailing address or to ask questions about the 2017 Elections for ANRs contact:
Vaughn Johnston
2017 Algonquin Negotiation Representatives Elections
Mail: 162 Pembroke Street East P.O. Box 308, Pembroke ON K8A 6X6
Tel: 1-855-735-3759 | Fax: 613-735-6307 or E-mail: 2017anrelections@tanakiwin.com