Employment Opportunities with the Algonquins of Ontario


Call to Interest


The Algonquins of Ontario Consultation Office Is seeking

Interested community members for paid fieldwork activities.



Integrate Algonquin knowledge and values into the monitoring of environmental,

archaeological, safety, and socio-economic aspects of proposed development

projects, existing infrastructure, and resource extraction operations occurring

throughout the AOO Settlement Area.

Participate in regulatory site visits, inspections, surveys, and assessments with

proponent consultants.


Candidates will be selected. based on the following criteria:

  • Community affiliation
  • Proximity to the field site
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Have access to a reliable vehicle to travel to and from field sites


Work required:

  • Participate in field activities which may include travel to remote locations and

overnight stays, Physical work required: digging, work in various weather

conditions, and exposure to bugs

  • Provide input to AOO technical staff regarding Algonquin perspectives
  • Take notes and photos recording relevant observations to be shared with

AOO Consultation Office & ANRs

Please email ctodd@tanakiwin.com if interested.