American Eel

Kichi Sìbì American Eel Citizen Science Project

The American eel (“pimizì” in the Algonquin language) is sacred to the Algonquin people and has been an essential part of Algonquin culture for thousands of years. Algonquins have always had a deep connection to American eel as a provider of nourishment, medicine, and spiritual inspiration. It is a species of great cultural, ecological, and economic significance and was once abundant in the Ottawa River (“Kichi Sìbì” meaning “great river”).

Sadly, this species has suffered significant population declines over the last century and is disappearing from the Ottawa River watershed, Algonquin traditional territory. The American eel was listed as Endangered under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act in 2008, and populations have continued to decline. Today, we are left with only a remnant population in Ontario. Significant recovery effort is needed to avoid a future where this species may be extirpated in the Ottawa River and its tributaries. The Algonquins of Ontario (AOO) work hard to advocate for American eel protection and recovery to restore populations within their traditional territory.

To support American eel recovery efforts, the AOO have developed a project through Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)’s Indigenous Habitat Participation Program (IHPP) in partnership with Shared Value Solutions, a third-party consultant, to gather information on the current distribution of eels surviving in the Ottawa River between May 2023 and March 2024. This project includes posting public outreach signage at key boat launch locations along the Ottawa River that encourage river users, and especially anglers, to report American eel sightings to the AOO via an online survey. The information gathered through this project will be used to inform recovery plans to help ensure a future for American eel within the Ottawa River.

If you have seen or caught an American eel in the Ottawa River, please complete this online survey:  Ottawa River American Eel Reporting Form

The AOO thank you for your time to complete this survey and for supporting American eel recovery efforts!



AOO American Eel Factsheet